Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August - These are a few of my favorite things...


"You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind."

The last few weeks have been busy wrapping things up for TAFCOM. Since this is my last update from Tanzania, I thought it would be fun to share pictures of the people and sights that have made this journey so memorable and rewarding.

View of Downtown Moshi
Elephant holding Light over Hotel

Ice Cream Truck
We have had the Ice Cream
and it  is very tasty

We checked and
they do not carry mayonnaise!
Drying Laundry on Bushes

Coca-Cola is on almost every sign,
including roads and hospitals

Squatty Potty
I recently learned that when
there is a choice between a  toilet
& a squatty potty, many will not
choose the toilet. I have become
used to them and don't
 mind them at all.
Bonus benefit - great for quads.


This may not be as heavy as some
loads but just think how hard this
would be to load and unload
every day.


It is very common to see
 bicycles with large heavy loads.
Large bags of wood and charcoal
are also transported this way.

"I Survived the Daladala"
Love this shirt! On my last ride I actually
had a gentleman stand and give me his seat.
I was on the very edge and if it hadn't
been so crowded i am sure I would
have landed on the floor after a sharp
turn or bump. Fortunately I was wedged
 very tightly between several people!
Daladalas not only
transport people, this one
has live chickens on top.

I will never get upset over
a US pothole again.

Shoes Before Washing
The dust and dirt was so bad that
when I tied my shoes you
could see clouds of dust
puff off the shoe laces

Shoes After Washing
The laundry soap is unlike anything
we have. It is amazing how clean things
get. Sadly, I think it is because the
ingredients are probably major pollutants.

Logs made from Toilet Paper tubes
stuffed with scrap paper. I found this
brilliant idea on line. It saves money on
firewood & charcoal.

These are called dagaa. We all
call them Little Fish. They are
about half the size of your pinky.
The heads are snapped off
and they are cooked and eaten with
vegetables & ugali. There has
been only one volunteer who liked them.
However, we have all been good
sports about trying them.

Magembe making toy cars for the
kids at the Children's Center

Me, Jay, Nicole, Boniface & Dennis.
Jay & Nicole are new volunteers
staying at the house for 6 months.
Boniface is from the fitness center
 & Dennis is Debra's brother.
We all met for a beer at the bar near our house.

Molly with the hair dresser who
braided her hair.

At the fitness center with John, Molly
Boniface & me.

A group from the Wagogo Music Festival
last Visit w Mwamini
Gave fleece blanket
(THANKS Cindy)

Theresa w New blanket
(THANKS again Cindy)

Veronica with  Blanket
(from Lee Ann)

I printed alphabet pics off the internet
and had several volunteers help color
them. I have yet to meet an adult
who doesn't enjoy coloring.

Me & the Kids on my last day at the center.
Last Day - we gave them the toy cars.
They were so thrilled. I love
seeing the  joy in their smiles.

I could not leave out the cows and goats.
I often walked with goats on my way home
going thru Soweto.

My Farewell Dinner with
Jovin, Jonas & Nie at Deli Chez.
I cannot even put into words how
 much more enriched my life is because of them.

Last night at the house. I will miss
Debra's funny jokes, spoon fighting,
and the best food on the planet.
I could not have felt more at home. 

Rahim with Toy Car
And last but never least, Kili in all its splendor.


  1. The picture of you, Jonas, Nie and Jovin is so fantastic!! Totally frameable!

  2. AMAZING!!! I cannot wait to follow your upcoming adventures!!
    Love ya!!

  3. Wonderful blog. Wonderful presentation today. Very inspiring. Thanks Marian!
