Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 15 In Pictures

Hadzabe Making Fire
(The man standing is wearing
 animal skin and both have baboon
fur on their head.)
Hadzabe Pipe
(Made of wood and covered
 in animal fur to hold in the heat)
Hadzabe Smoking Marijuana
(They believe it keeps them
 focused for hunting.)

Hadzabe Huts
(They are nomadic so these
are simple to build and tear down.
The floor is the dirt and they
sleep on animal skins)
Hadzabe Huts

Tofa (Our Guide) w Bow & Arrow
Bows & Arrows

Hadzabe-Men & Boys
Hadzabe-Women & Children
(The women are making jewelry
with beads. They also use porcupine
quills and reeds in their jewelry.)

Bracelet made with Porcupine Quills, Reeds and Beads
(A Special Treat for Me!)

Lemur w Spear thru Heart
(Notice the blood on the arrow)
Lemur attached to Belt
Baboon Fur on Head)

Lemur w Fur Cooking over Fire
(They turned the animal with
their bare hands. I saw no utensils)

Traditional Dance
(I am not sure if you can see the ankle
tambourine-like instrument)

I took Archery at OSU and still have great form!!
(We were only aiming at the dirt so I got a Bullseye!)


  1. Go Marian! Never knew you were an archer.

    You are now the great white hunter!!
