Sunday, March 6, 2016

Kili Climb Pics & Video

Me & Mussa - Ready to Go

Day 1 Rain Forest

Day 1 - Rain Forest

Joseph, Me & Mussa - 1st Day Camp

Day 1 - Campsite

Day 2 - Typical Rocky Trail

Shower Time!!

No More Fear of Heights

Day 2 Camp Site & View

Shira Cave

Rock Piles like this are commonly built by Hikers

Day 3 View

Day 3 - View & Hikers
Day 4 - Morning View

I have so much respect for these porters.


Day 4 

Kissing Rock

Such a cool plant

My New Adopted Sons - Joseph & Mussa

Day 4 View

Day 4 View

Day 5 - Morning Entertainment
The Background View of Kili is Awesome

Day 5 View

Day 5 View
Day 6 -  Love to All 4 Your Support

Kisses from my "Sons" - We Did It!

Me & Mussa with glacier behind us.

Heading Back Down - Slip & Slide

Day 7 Rain Forest

My Very Special Crew

Getting My Certificate