Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Arrival/Homecoming in Pics

2-50 pound bags a Carry-On & Backpack. Mostly Donations & climbing gear.
YES I am climbing Kili!!

Flowers on My Pillow from Ellie

View from my door.

Bed with Mosquito Net. I have windows on opposite walls.
Armoire on right next to bathroom door.
Note large water bottles - those are my weights!
Happy and Joan are visiting. They are cousins, Joan is Nie & Jonas' daughter.

Happy (in pink) & Joan

Bathroom Sink

Toilet & Shower.
There is a drain in far right corner for shower water.
Those weird things on the shower handles are socks drying!

The outside of my room. Better pics of outside will come soon.
There is a tent up that blocks buildings.

By contrast, on the left is housing similar to the families
 we visited. Structure on left is outhouse & bathing area.

Rehema & her family.
Nie is on far left & I am the Mzungu (white person)


  1. Awesome! Keep us posted!!!!!! God be with you and Your people!
    Love and God's Peace!
    Thanks for your beautiful Journal!
    Janet Dee

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Love the pics of Katie's little ones on Facebook. Give them all a hug!

  2. Awesome! Keep us posted!!!!!! God be with you and Your people!
    Love and God's Peace!
    Thanks for your beautiful Journal!
    Janet Dee

  3. So happy for you that you are back in your beloved Tanzania! I'lol be watching your journey. ❤️ ~Katrina Metzler

    1. So good to hear from you. I hope all is well with you and the family. Yes, this place and the people are truly beloved!

  4. Your room is very lovely! Looks like everyone is glad you are back.

  5. Awesome, it is nice to see pics from Moshi! Glad you are settling well.
    Julie from Cols

  6. That looks great, I'm so glad to see that TAFCOM is thriving in their great work, have fun climbing Kili!

    1. Thanks Nicole. TAFCOM is amazing. I can't believe how much they accomplish. Working out a lot for the climb. Finally have a great road for running!Take care and lots of love.
